You may pay your bill by a variety of methods, including credit/debit card, check or bank draft, via your Direct Energy LP online account management tool, through the Direct Energy LP automated phone system or by speaking with one of our customer care representatives.
Send a check with the relevant account information to:
Direct Energy
P.O. Box 660896
Dallas, TX 75266-0475
If your bill is due before April 18th, 2022: Please call 1-888-925-9115. Customer care agents are available 8:00 am - 5:00 pm CT, Monday - Friday.
If your bill is due on April 18th, 2022 or later: Please call 1-833-480-7834. Customer care agents are available from 7:00am – 7:00pm CST, Monday through Friday.
Direct Energy LP offers hundreds of payment locations across Texas. Please visit to find a convenient payment location near you.
If you have set up bill payments through your bank or other financial institution, please update the payee to Direct Energy at the address listed above.
Make quick and secure monthly payments — or set up automatic payments — via your Direct Energy online account (using the steps above) from either your checking account or a Visa, Mastercard, American Express or Discover credit card.
Make an online payment without logging in to your account at
Please visit Contact Us and select your state of residence to view the contact information for your area.
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