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Estefania Joy
An energy or generation charge is what Direct Energy charges you for your electricity usage. This is based on the kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity used in a given billing cycle and the rate for that electricity. We calculate the charge by multiplying the number of kWh consumed during a billing cycle by your rate for energy (in cents per kWh).
For example, if you're signed up on a fixed-rate plan at 10.0 cents per kWh and you use 1,000 kWh during a billing cycle, your energy charge would be $100.00: 1,000 kWh x 10.0 cents per kWh = $100.00.
Please understand that the number of kWh you use in a billing cycle is not determined by Direct Energy but by the utility company for your area, based upon their reading of your meter.
This is the charge assessed to recover the miscellaneous gross receipts tax imposed on retail electric providers operating in an incorporated city or town having a population of more than 1,000. The acceptable abbreviation for this charge is "Gross Receipts Reimb."
The Miscellaneous Gross Receipts Tax Reimbursement is imposed on both utility companies and retail energy providers located in a city or town having a population of more than 1,000 according to the last federal census. This fee may or may not appear on your Direct Energy bill, depending on where you live.
For more information on this fee, please visit
These are the charges that come from your local Transmission Distribution Service Provider (TDSP) – also known as your utility company or Transmission and Distribution Utility (TDU).
The TDSP Delivery Charge is a mix of usage-based fees and standard monthly fees. These fees are passed through to you without markup from your local TDSP. They cover the cost for maintaining the wires to your home and distributing your electricity. TDSP Delivery charges may fluctuate based on your usage and if your local utility company increases or decreases their fees. All delivery charges are consolidated into one line item titled "TDSP Delivery Charges."
To pay your bill online with Direct Energy, please follow these instructions:
Please note, you can schedule your payment up to 90 days in advance.
Texas customers are automatically enrolled in the Reduce Your Use Rewards Program. If you choose to participate, you can save 10 percent on your next bill by reducing your energy usage during a Peak Event.
The Direct Energy Reduce Your Use Rewards Program is designed to help limit the high demand for electricity during the hottest or coldest times of the year. When you participate in the program, you are helping offset the demand for electricity during periods of high usage, which helps stabilize the electricity grid.
Electricity usage fluctuates constantly due to weather conditions, commercial and industrial business hours and residential electricity usage. During the summer months, demand is usually greater as electricity is used to cool homes and businesses when it's really hot outside, especially during weekday afternoon hours between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. Generally, when we speak of "peak hours," we are referring to the times of highest electricity use over the course of the day.
In general, Peak Events are declared when demand for electricity threatens to outpace supply, which typically can occur during hot summer days. Additionally, these days can be declared if generation facilities are closed for maintenance, transmission lines are damaged, or during periods when the price to purchase added electricity escalates.
Refer-A-Friend is Direct Energy's customer referral program. Turn your friends on to Direct Energy and you'll earn bill credits for each customer you refer. And unlike the other programs, there's no limit to the number of friends you can refer. With Refer-A-Friend your friends win, too, with a bill credit on their second bill when they enroll with Direct Energy. Giving great rewards for referrals is just one more way we put customers first.
It's simple. All you need is your unique Refer-a-Friend ID which can be found on your Direct Energy statement or within your Online Account Manager. Refer as many friends as you want. If your friend accepts your request and becomes a Direct Energy customer, you'll both get a $50 bill credit.
You will receive your $50 bill credit after your referred friend registers for MyAccount and pays their first three Direct Energy bills in full and on time. Your friend will receive their $50 bill credit as well after paying their first three bills in full and on time.
If you haven't set up your online account, sign in and get started referring today. Visit, click on "Customer Login," and then click "Create an Account." It's easy – and free!
You can easily renew your existing Direct Energy service online. This can be done up to 60 days before your fixed-rate plan contract is set to expire. Direct Energy will contact you by mail, email and/or via Online Account Manager messaging when you are eligible for renewal.
To renew:
Please be advised that you are not renewing with your current rate and plan. You are renewing your service agreement with Direct Energy, while choosing a new plan and rate. You can renew with your current plan, but that rate most likely has changed due to energy market demand.
If you're not able to process your renewal online, don't see the "Renew" link or can't find a plan option to suit you, please call Customer Service at 1-855-461-1926 Our customer care team will be delighted to assist you with your renewal.
Direct Energy contacts customers on a fixed-rate contract plan with plan renewal information via email, phone call, and traditional paper mail beginning 60 days in advance of your estimated contract expiration date.
In general, customers on a fixed-rate plan can renew their plan up to 60 days in advance of their estimated contract expiration date. You can find this date by logging into your Online Account Manager with your User Name and Password. Once you have logged in, hover over the "Account Management" tab in the top navigation bar and click "Plan and Account Management." Then scroll to the bottom of the page to view the field marked "Estimated Contract End Date." This date appears on the second page of your Direct Energy bill.
If you don't see a date available in the area indicated, this means you're on a variable-rate, no-contract plan, and you don't have a contract expiration date.
You can transfer your existing Direct Energy service online quite easily. First, log into your Online Account Manager with your Username and Password. Once you've logged in, the "Transfer Service" link should be on the top navigation menu. When you click that link, you'll be asked to provide the following information:
When you click the button to confirm your transfer information, you'll be presented with a range of plan options and the current rates for those plans in your new service area.
If you're not able to process your transfer online, don't see the "Transfer Service" link or can't find a plan option to suit you, please call Customer Service at 1-855-461-1926. Our customer care team will be happy to help with your transfer.
If you're on a fixed-rate plan and moving to a new service address, you are no longer subject to the contract term at your previous service address and won't be charged the Early Termination Fee on your Final Bill at your previous service address.
A Switch Hold can be placed on a premise by either a Retail Energy Provider (REP) (with customer's consent) for an outstanding bill or by the Transmission and Distribution Service Provider (TDSP, or utility company) due to meter tampering. The purpose of a Switch Hold is to ensure that the occupant responsible for paying the bills at that location takes care of any and all outstanding charges before switching to a new REP. The Switch Hold will remain in effect until the specified charges have been paid.
Simply download a New Occupant Statement (NOS) here, fill it out and sign it. Then send it to us along with one of the following:
Both the NOS form and one of the above supporting documents can be emailed to or faxed to 1-866-814-3021. We highly recommend email for faster processing.
If you need to mail your documents, please send them both to Enrollment Exceptions, 6502 South Yale Avenue #300, Tulsa, OK 74136. Please allow up to five additional business days for us to receive your documents by mail.
ESI stands for "electrical service identifier." An ESI ID number is the physical address where you receive your electricity. In order to track the electricity used by your home, electric companies use a special meter identification number to know exactly how much electricity you used.