Energy can be a mysterious commodity. We all use it, yet it's not often clear as to how our usage converts into what we pay. Direct Your Energy is our easy-to-navigate insights tool that depicts and analyzes your energy usage, helping you make informed decisions that can help you use less of what we sell.
Understand your energy like never before with Direct Your Energy! This custom suite of energy usage insights tools helps you see, understand, and manage how you use energy in your home to help make sense of your charges, and enable you to lower your overall usage.
Get access to everything you need to know about your energy usage when you login to your Online Account Manager (OAM) . Direct Your Energy gives you the tools to manage your energy usage more efficiently.
Receive a high-level view of your current energy performance. Whether you've used more energy than usual this month, or you made efforts to reduce your usage, the energy dashboard will provide a snapshot to help you make adjustments where needed.
Our handy Energy Insights Chart reflects how much energy your HVAC, fridge, and other household appliances actually used. You'll not only see the itemized usage, but what that usage cost you. Finally, you can make sense of your energy charges.
Direct Your Energy features a color-coded Heat Map Calendar that visually depicts your energy usage for particular days. Each calendar day shows the amount of energy consumed via an easy-to-recognize color scheme so you can identify what may have contributed to a high or low day, and adjust your future usage accordingly.
These graphs provide you with the option to view your energy usage by day, week, month, or year. Temperatures, whether high, low, or average, are overlaid with the usage to provide clarity on your consumption. Our visual map allows you to get virtually any look at usage you desire. It's just another way we help you figure out how to use less energy.
The Home Comparison tool generally reflects your home's energy usage to that of homes similar to yours, so you can see if you're using more or less energy than the other homes. You'll not only see how your overall usage stacks up, but a breakdown of the individual elements that contribute to your bill, like your heating and cooling.
Usage Anomaly Alerts is an alert message feature for abnormal usage patterns. These email alerts are triggered when your actual usage is considerably different than what would've been predicted given weather conditions and your historical usage patterns.
The Predictive Weather Overlay is unique to Direct Energy and not offered by any other energy supplier. This planning tool features a weather forecast that not only predicts temperatures, but also mathematically estimates your future bill amount based on your historical usage measured against the predicted weather. Based on upcoming conditions and predictions, you can proactively adjust your usage to potentially lower costs.
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