If you are on a variable-rate no-contract plan, you can switch to a fixed-rate plan with Direct Energy online quite easily: Log into your Online Account Manger with your User Name and Password Hover over the "Account Management"...
Unfortunately, as rates are subject to change according to energy market demand, you are most likely not able to renew your plan with the same rate you have been paying. You are able to renew at the current rates we have posted...
You are welcome to renew with any plan that you see available when you log into your Online Account Manager with your User Name and Password. This means that, even if you are currently on a 24-month plan, when that plan expires,...
After a renewal takes place, the new selected rate will go into effect in 1-2 billing cycles and is dependent upon when your meter is read.
Direct Energy contacts customers on a fixed-rate contract plan with plan renewal information via email, phone call, and traditional paper mail beginning 60 days in advance of your estimated contract expiration date. In general,...
You can easily renew your existing Direct Energy service online. This can be done up to 60 days before your fixed-rate plan contract is set to expire. Direct Energy will contact you by mail, email and/or via Online Account Manager...