view your scheduled payments in your Online Account Manager, please follow these instructions: Hover over Billing & Payments tab and select Pay Your Bill from the drop-down menu. Click Scheduled Payments. Your scheduled...
To add a credit card/debit card to your account, please follow these instructions: Login to your Direct Energy Online Account Manager ( Hover over the Billing & Payments tab and click Payment...
To delete a credit card/debit card or bank account from your account, please follow these instructions: Login to your Direct Energy Online Account Manager ( Hover over the Billing & Payments...
If you had 2 payments get declined for Non-Sufficient Funds (NSF) or any other reason in the last 12 months, you will not be able to make a payment using your bank account (ACH) or schedule your payment using your bank account...
For credit cards, we accept all major credit cards including Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express. We accept Pulse, Star, NYCE, and ACCEL debit cards. You can also make a payment using your bank account (ACH).
To sign up for Auto Pay with Direct Energy, please follow these instructions: Login to your Direct Energy Online Account Manager ( Note: If you are a first-time user of Online Account Manager, please...
To add a credit card/debit card for your Auto Pay, please follow these instructions: Login to your Direct Energy Online Account Manager ( Hover over the Billing & Payments tab and click Payment...
To add a bank account (ACH) to Auto Pay, please follow these instructions: Login to your Direct Energy Online Account Manager ( Hover over the Billing & Payments tab and select Payment Methods....
Donations for the Neighbor to Neighbor program can only be done in Texas. Non-Texas residents do not have the ability to make donations to the program at this time.
Certainly! To edit the payments you already have scheduled, please follow these instructions: Hover over Billing & Payments tab and select Pay Your Bill from the drop-down menu. Click Scheduled Payments. To edit a scheduled...
To add a bank account (ACH) to use for your Automatic draft, please follow these instructions: Login to your Direct Energy Online Account Manager ( Hover over the Billing & Payments tab and select...
To update your credit card or debit card enrolled in Auto Pay, please follow these instructions: Login to your Direct Energy Online Account Manager ( Hover over the Billing & Payments tab and Select...
To change your expired credit card or debit card, please follow these instructions: Login to your Direct Energy Online Account Manager ( Hover over the Billing & Payments tab and click Payment...
To change your expired credit card or debit card in Auto Pay, please follow these instructions: Login to your Direct Energy Online Account Manager ( Hover over the Billing & Payments tab and click...
To pay your bill online with Direct Energy, please follow these instructions: Log into your Direct Energy Online Account Manager ( Note: If you are a first-time user of Online Account Manager,...
We've created a specific page on the Direct Energy website that gives you all the payment options you have. Head over to to learn more on how Direct Energy makes it easy to pay your...
A 5% late charge is added to any overdue amounts if you do not pay your bill by the due date. If you find that you need assistance paying your bill, we'll be more than happy to help.
Your payment may take up to 2 hours to be posted to your account and accurately displayed within your Online Account Manager.