Get helpful tips on how to save energy while beating the heat this summer!
Your energy habits can affect your monthly bill. Learn how to keep your electric bills low in your apartment.
We all know that microwave ovens use less energy than conventional overs, but read on to understand how those savings actually happen.
Does your air conditioner work more efficiently when it's under shade? Get the real facts behind these common myths.
Learn more about what a fixed-rate electricity plan is and how it can benefit you as a customer.
There are several factors that can cause an unusually high electric bill. Learn what causes high bills and how to lower yours this summer.
Energy efficiency means you are using less energy to do the same jobs, reducing your home's energy waste and saving money.
Summer weather can heat up your electric bill. Get tips for how to save energy and money.
Lowering your energy bill can be accomplished easily by improving the energy efficiency of your home.
Save money and stay cool by following these recommended summer settings.
We explore the energy consumed by typical home systems, appliances and electronics.
Your air conditioning system is a silent partner whose company you greatly enjoy on those hot days.
Your heating and cooling systems have many components that work together to provide optimal home comfort.
Your HVAC fan setting can have big implications for your indoor air quality, comfort and energy efficiency.
Choosing the type and kind of central air conditioning system to install in your home is complicated.