For non-prepaid products, "Order Pending" means we could not verify your identity using the information that was provided. To protect your identity and confirm we are signing up the right person and home with Direct Energy, we need to collect some additional information from you.
Please call 1-800-332-7143 from Monday-Sunday, 7 AM-10 PM, and provide the following:
An agent from our Exceptions Department will contact you within 24-48 business hours.
If you have any questions about this process, please call us at 1-888-305-3828 or e-mail us at
For prepaid products, "Order Pending means we either had an issue establishing the ESI ID for the account, or there was a data issue. Our Exceptions Department will contact you at the phone number provided, if needed, to resolve the issue.
Please visit Contact Us and select your state of residence to view the contact information for your area.
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