Direct Energy customers do not have to be enrolled in Paperless Billing. This is an optional service we offer to interested customers. Please be advised that customers not enrolled in Paperless Billing will still receive a courtesy...
Your billing cycle begins and ends based upon the meter reading dates determined by the Transmission and Distribution Service Provider (TDSP, also known as the utility company) for your area. Please be advised that Direct Energy...
The "Current or Present Meter Read" is the number displayed on your electricity meter on the date the meter was read by the utility company for your area at the end of your current billing cycle. This number does not indicate...
The Electricity Facts Label (EFL) provides you with pricing for your energy usage per kilowatt-hour (kWh), contract, charge breakdown between Direct Energy and your local Transmission & Distribution Service Provider (TDSP, also...
You are assessed a Previous Metered Usage charge if your Transmission and Distribution Service Provider (TDSP, also known as the utility company) replaced your meter with a new Meter during the middle of your billing cycle. This...
The PUC Assessment is a fee assessed by the Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUCT). This fee covers the cost of the administration of the PUC Regulatory Act. It is equal to 1/6 of 1 percent of the charges on your bill, excluding...
We removed all delivery charges assessed by your local utility from your Energy Charge and then consolidated all delivery charges into one line item titled "TDU Delivery Charges." Because all distribution charges are now in one...
The PUC Assessment is a new line item on your bill. This fee is assessed by the Public Utility Commission of Texas, and it has always been a part of your monthly price per kilowatt hour. The reason you now see it is because we...
These are the charges that come from your local Transmission Distribution Service Provider (TDSP) – also known as your utility company or Transmission and Distribution Utility (TDU). The TDSP Delivery Charge is a mix...
We removed all delivery charges assessed by your local utility from your Energy Charge and then consolidated all delivery charges into one line item titled "TDU Delivery Charges." Because all distribution charges are now in one...
If you break your Deferred Payment Plan (DPP) agreement with Direct Energy, you will receive a letter indicating that the entire DPP amount is due immediately. You also cannot enroll in another DPP for 6 months.
There are three primary ways you can break the terms of your Deferred Payment Plan (DPP) agreement with Direct Energy: You didn't pay your regular monthly bill in full by the due date; You didn't pay your DPP installment payment...
A Deferred Payment Plan (DPP) is a formal arrangement with you as our customer, allowing a you to pay an outstanding bill in installments. You are eligible for a Deferred Payment Plan if you meet these criteria: No Insufficient...