If you're starting Direct Energy service at a new residence, your service can begin a minimum of three (3) business days after you sign up. If you are moving into a residence without power, or if the service is not in your name or your spouse's name, service can begin in approximately three business days.
If you require an expedited move in fewer than three days, please call 1-855-461-1926. There will be an additional cost for an expedited move.
For billed products:
Before Direct Energy service can begin at your residence, you must pay your security deposit or send us documentation showing that your deposit can be waived. Please note: if a security deposit is required, Direct Energy must receive the deposit payment prior to the requested service date in order to turn on the electricity.
Don't want to pay the deposit? Check out Direct Energy Power-To-Go?®!
Please visit Contact Us and select your state of residence to view the contact information for your area.
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