A Smart Meter reads your usage in more detail than a conventional meter. The advanced meter communicates usage information via radio frequency back to the local utility for monitoring and billing purposes, called telemeter, so...
ESI stands for "electrical service identifier." An ESI ID number is the physical address where you receive your electricity. In order to track the electricity used by your home, electric companies use a special meter identification...
If you suspect you are the victim of identity theft or think your identity has been stolen and used to set up an account with Direct Energy, we're here to help. You can read more about our commitment to identity theft protection...
Your local utility company delivers the electricity that flows into your home. The utility company is responsible for the lines, poles, pipes, meters, power outages, repairs, and other issues with how energy gets to your home....
Direct Energy and your utility work together to provide services for your specific area. Direct Energy is a retail, or competitive, electric and natural gas provider. If you live in a deregulated area, you are able to shop for...
By law, the local utility company is not allowed to provide different care levels to customers who have chosen an alternate supplier. You will continue to receive the same level of delivery quality, emergency response, and meter...