Also known as the REP or electricity company you chose for your home or business, a Retail Electric Provider is a company that has been approved by the Texas Public Utility Commission (PUCT) to sell electric services. A REP is...
The Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUCT) is the state agency that is responsible for the regulation and oversight of electric services in Texas. The PUCT regulates the delivery of electricity to ensure the safety and reliability...
Most Texans have the ability to choose the electricity company for their home or business. Over 60% of the state is deregulated, but some areas are served exclusively by some electric cooperatives (also called co-ops) and municipally...
A municipally or city-owned utility is a non-profit electricity provider that is owned and operated by the municipality it serves. Texas city-owned utilities may decide whether or not their customers will have a choice of Retail...
An Electric Cooperative (also known as a Co-Op) is a customer-owned electric utility that distributes electricity to its members. If your area is serviced by a Co-Op, that company is the exclusive provider for electricity in that...
ESIID stands for "Electric Service Identifier ID," and it is used for electricity customers in Texas. It is the 17 or 22-digit number used to identify a unique point of electric service delivery to your home or business. The ESIID...
If there is an outage at your home or business or if there is trouble with the power lines, poles, and/or meters, the utility company for your area will respond to these concerns and will continue to provide any/all services necessary...
The Provider of Last Resort (POLR) becomes your provider when your Retail Electric Provider (REP) exits the market for any reason. If your REP were to go out of business, the POLR becomes your temporary REP so that you do not...
The Electric Reliability Council of Texas (also known as ERCOT) is the corporation comprised and governed by a board of directors from investor and municipally owned electric utilities, generators, independent members, and consumers...
In the past, one company provided all of the parts of the electricity service to your home. This included generation, transmission, distribution, and retail sales. Now that the electricity market has been deregulated in Texas...
The Transmission and Distribution Service Provider (TDSP) also sometimes referred to as the Transmission and Distribution Utility (TDU), is the utility company that transmits and delivers electricity to the homes and businesses...