You can transfer your existing Direct Energy service online quite easily. First, log into your Online Account Manager with your Username and Password. Once you've logged in, the "Transfer Service" link should be on the top navigation...
You are asked to choose a new plan when you transfer your service because plan contracts do not transfer between locations. A contract is limited to service to a customer at a location specified in the contract. Therefore, if...
If you're on a fixed-rate plan and moving to a new service address, you are no longer subject to the contract term at your previous service address and won't be charged the Early Termination Fee on your Final Bill at your previous...
In general, it takes 3 business days to complete a standard order for service. When you transfer your service, you can request service to begin on the same day. This is called a Same Day Turn-On and there is an additional fee...
Direct Energy will not charge you a fee to transfer your service. However, you may be assessed a one-time new connection fee by your local utility company, also known as the Transmission and Distribution Service Provider (TDSP)...