How do I update my Payment Method? What do I do if my credit card expires?
From the Payment Center, you will be able to make payments, add a payment type to your profile, set up an Automatic Payment Rule, and view payment history for your direct energy account. To get started, log into or register your Online Account Manager account at
To update your Payment Method if your credit card expires, please do the following:
- Login to your account or Register your account.
- Select the "Make A Payment" button from the Homepage or the Billing and Payments Tab.
- The Payment Center will open to the "Pay My Bill" page.
- Select the "Payment Methods" link from the left side menu.
- Select the Payment Method to update.
- To add new types go to "Add a new payment method."
- Enter the new credit card expiration date and press the "Update" button.
- If you have a payment method tied to an automatic Payment Rule, you must Delete the rule first and make the change and then setup a new rule.
- Updating the payment type attached to the Rule does not update the automatic payment rule.
- Your Automatic Payment will continue to use the old payment information.
IMPORTANT: Please remove Payment Methods that are not current from your profile. As an Auto Pay customer, it is suggested that only one Payment Method be stored on your profile, to be used for your Automatic Payment processing.
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