No matter where you are in Direct Energy's service area, we've got you covered. If you're looking for information on how to pay your energy bill, you've come to the right place.
In Delaware, we partner with our trusted local provider: Delmarva Power
if you would like to pay your bill, please visit their website or give them a call at:
In Indiana we partner with our trusted local provider: NIPSCO
if you would like to pay your bill, please visit their website or give them a call at:
In New Hampshire we partner with our trusted local provider: Eversource
if you would like to pay your bill, please visit their website or give them a call at:
In Rhode Island we partner with our trusted local provider: Rhode Island Energy
if you would like to pay your bill, please visit their website or give them a call at:
In Connecticut we partner with our two trusted local providers: Connecticut Light & Power (Eversource) and United Illuminating Company.
If you would like to pay your bill, please visit their website or give them a call at:
In Michigan, we partner with our trusted local providers: Consumers Energy and DTE Gas
if you would like to pay your bill, please visit their website or give them a call at:
In Washington DC we partner with our trusted local provider: PEPCO
if you would like to pay your bill, please visit their website or give them a call at:
In Illinois we partner with our trusted local providers: Electricity: Ameren and ComEd Natural Gas: Nicor Gas, North Shore Gas and Peoples Gas
If you would like to pay your bill, please visit their website or give them a call at:
In Maryland we partner with our trusted local providers: Electricity: Baltimore Gas and Electric (BGE), Potomac Edison, Delmarva Power, Pepco Natural Gas: Baltimore Gas and Electric (BGE), Washington Gas
if you would like to pay your bill, please visit their website or give them a call at:
In Massachusetts, we partner with our trusted local providers: Electricity: National Grid and Eversource Natural Gas: National Grid
if you would like to pay your bill, please visit their website or give them a call at:
In New Jersey, we partner with our trusted local providers: Electricity: Atlantic City Electric, Jersey Central Power and Light, PSE&G, Rockland Electric Natural Gas: Elizabethtown Gas, New Jersey Natural Gas, PSE&G, South Jersey Gas
if you would like to pay your bill, please visit their website or give them a call at:
In New York we partner with our trusted local providers:
Electricity: Central Hudson, ConEdison, National Grid, NYSEG, Orange & Rockland, RG&E
Natural Gas: Central Hudson, ConEdison, National Grid, NYSEG, Orange & Rockland, RG&E
if you would like to pay your bill, please visit their website or give them a call at:
In Ohio we partner with our trusted local providers:
Electricity: AEP Ohio, AES Ohio, Duke Energy, Ohio Edison, The Illuminating Company, Toledo
Natural Gas: CenterPoint (Vectren), Columbia Gas, Dominion Energy, Duke Energy
If you would like to pay your bill, please visit their website or give them a call at:
In Pennsylvania we partner with our trusted local providers:
Electricity: Duquesne Light, Met-Ed, PECO, Penelec, Penn Power, Pike County Light & Power, PPL,
West Penn Power
Natural Gas: Columbia Gas, PECO, UGI
if you would like to pay your bill, please visit their website or give them a call at:
Direct Energy makes it easy to pay your electric bill in Texas. See below for ways to pay!
From Auto Pay to mailing in your payment, our payment options suit each person's needs and lifestyle.
Want to pay your bill without having to log into your account? Use our Quick Pay option below to get started.
Texas customers: Qualified customers may be eligible for one of Direct Energy's payment arrangement plans. Currently, available plans include:
If you are interested in one of these payment options, contact our customer care team at 1-888-305-3828.
Customers outside of Texas: If you need to set up a Payment Arrangement for a bill, you should contact your local utility company to make a plan to pay your balance.
Texas customers: Please call a customer service representative to see if you are eligible. We can only change your due date for up to 10 days in the future of your current bill due date.
Customers outside of Texas: You should contact your local utility company to request a change to your payment due date.
Texas customers:Your payment may take up to 2 hours to be posted to your account and accurately displayed within your Online Account Manager.
Customers outside of Texas: Because you submit your payment to your local utility and not Direct Energy, payments may take up to 2 business days to post and reflected within your Online Account Manager.