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Net Metering in Illinois

Thank you for your interest in the net metering program for ComEd customers. Keep reading to learn more about the program and download your application.

net metering in Illinois

What is Net Metering?

Net metering allows you to potentially lower your energy bill by producing some of the energy you use with an eligible system installed at your service address. Your energy bills will reflect the net amount of energy you use (i.e. Consumption – Generation). Net metering also permits you to apply net metering credits on your energy bill when you produce more energy than you use. Net metering with Direct Energy is not automatic. You must complete the enrollment steps to verify compliance and begin receiving credits.

How to Enroll in Net Metering

  1. You must have an approved and interconnected facility through your local utility. To interconnect your system please contact your local utility.
  2. Fill out the Direct Energy Net Metering application and return to us as soon as possible to be eligible to earn credits where applicable.
    a. You may submit the form to Direct Energy one of the following ways:

    b. Once the form has been received and approved, we will be able to recognize you as a net metering customer.

  1. You must be an eligible customer to receive Net Electricity Metering from Direct Energy. "Eligible customer" means a retail customer that owns or operates a solar, wind, or other eligible renewable electrical generating facility with a rated capacity of not more than 2,000 kilowatts that is located on the customer's premises and is intended primarily to offset the customer's own electrical requirements.

    If at any time during the term of this Agreement you are not an eligible customer or are otherwise unable to meet the requirements set forth in the Statute or this Agreement to receive net metering, you will not be recognized as Net Metering. Direct Energy is required to provide net metering to eligible customers until Direct Energy's load of net metering customers equals 5% of the total peak demand supplied by Direct Energy during the previous year. Direct Energy, in its sole discretion, may provide net metering beyond the 5% threshold, however, Direct Energy reserves the right to place a hold on all net metering applications received after the 5% threshold has been met.

  1. Your net metering facility needs to be an Eligible Renewable Electrical Generating Facility and be equipped with metering equipment that can measure the flow of electricity in both directions at the same rate.
  2. You may qualify if you're a residential or commercial customer who owns or operates an eligible renewable electric generator of up to 2,000 kWh that generates electricity for your own use.

Information on Net Metering Credits

  • Net metering rules require utilities and retail electric suppliers to provide financial credits for renewable fuel-generated electricity that offset the amounts that otherwise would have been supplied by your electricity provider during a billing period.
  • You must choose either April or October as the month when your unused credits will expire.
  • Your credits will not carry to a new supplier should you switch to a different supplier your Direct Energy credits will expire.
  • If your Direct Energy application was not approved until after your net metered consumption was already invoiced, your Direct Energy Supply charges may be recalculated retroactively, up to a maximum of three months prior to the approval date only if you specifically request for this.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to our customer care department at 1-866-266-2084 Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., and Saturday 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., ET.