Contact Direct Energy
Sign Up Now: 1-855-461-1926 Billing & Account: 1-888-305-3828 Prepaid Care: 1-877-866-6601We all crave balance in our lives, and with Average Billing, you get just that — a more predictable bill amount each month, no matter how much energy you use. You can relax, not having to worry about how much your bill will be, especially during the hot summer and cold winter months.
Or call us at 1-866-982-2159 to speak with a friendly customer care agent.
Average Billing helps you have a more predictable energy budget. You pay an averaged amount every month instead of paying high amounts during high-usage months and paying low amounts in low-usage months.
Before Average Billing
After Average Billing
The above charts are an example for illustration purposes only
Or call us at 1-866-982-2159 to speak with a friendly customer care agent.
We add up your monthly bills for 12 months, if available.
We divide that sum by 12 or by the total months available for your service address.
Finally, we add or subtract 1/12 of your deferred balance.
These example charges can be found on your monthly electric bill.
If you've been a Direct Energy customer for at least 12 months, we'll use the following steps to calculate your average bill:
Please note: the figures displayed in this example are for illustration purposes only. Your average bill amount may be different based on your energy consumption, TDU charges, and energy rates.
For this example, let's assume the sum of your last 12 months of bills has the following charges.
Multiply your Energy Usage for the year by your Energy Rate Per kWh.
This results in your Total Annual Energy Charge.
Add your Unpaid Balance (if applicable) and Taxes and Recurring Fees to your Total Annual Energy Charge.
Now you have the amount for your Total Annual Bill
Take your Total Annual Bill Amount and divide by 12 to calculate your Average Bill.
If you've not been a Direct Energy customer for 12 months, you can still benefit from Average Billing. We'll just ask your utility company to provide historical usage for your address from the last 12 months.
Your Average Bill amount can fluctuate from month to month as it is recalculated on your most recent usage history. Each month, the Deferred Balance can be either a credit or a debit. If the usage that month was higher than the 12-month Average Bill, the difference will be added to the total deferred balance. If the usage that month was lower than the 12-month average, the difference will actually be credited and the total deferred balance will drop.
All amounts are estimates, as other discounts, fees and non-commodity charges are not included.
Log in to enroll now or give us a call at 1-855-461-1926 to speak with a friendly customer care agent.
The deferred balance amount is the cumulative difference between your monthly Average Billing amount and what you would owe if you were not signed up for Average Billing. The deferred balance amount can be found on your monthly bill. If the bill amount is positive, 1/12 will be added to your bill. If the bill amount is negative, 1/12 will be subtracted from your bill. The deferred balance must be paid in full if you cancel Average Billing or change electricity providers.
If you remain with Direct Energy, your accumulated deferred balance will become due in full on your next invoice or payment arrangements can be made. If you leave Direct Energy, your accumulated deferred balance will become due in full immediately. If you have a credit due, that amount will be applied to your final bill with any remaining amount refunded afterward.
Or call us at 1-866-982-2159 to speak with a friendly customer care agent.
First, Direct Energy adds your current bill amount to the previous 11 months' bill amounts for your service address.
Then, that total amount will be divided by 12 (or by the total months available for your service address).
Finally, Direct Energy adds or subtracts 1/12 of your Deferred Balance, which is the cumulative difference between your monthly Average Billing amount and what you would owe if you were not signed up for Average Billing.
If there is no previous billing in your name at the service address, or you do not have 11 months bill amounts at the service address, Direct Energy will take the previous usage at that service address and apply your current price to calculate your average monthly amount.
You can use the same payment options for your electricity bill payment as you would with regular billing. Here are the different payment methods:
You may be eligible to have your deferred balance carried over to your new address. Direct Energy will notify you if you are eligible at the time you request a transfer of service.
Any credit balance will be applied to your final bill or refunded to you; any outstanding deferred balance will be due at that time.