We provide energy supply to small businesses of all types, including government entities, schools, commercial real estate, healthcare, manufacturers, retail, and food and beverage.
The Public Utility Commission (or other governing body for utilities) in your state or province, and your local utility/local distribution company, support the opportunity for businesses to choose their energy supplier–and...
No. There is no need for any physical modifications to your facility or meter to receive electricity/natural gas supply from us. Delivery of your electricity/natural gas will continue through the same transmission and distribution...
You should not lose service if you switch to service with us from your utility or another supplier. Direct Energy Business works closely with your local utility or supplier to coordinate the date you begin service with us and...
Your Direct Energy sales representative will be able to help you determine your start date. The date you sign your contract and your current meter read cycle will factor into what your actual start date will be. Typically, it...